The Art and Science of Creating Safe Spaces (Havens)

Doesn’t the word “Haven” captivate you?  Don’t we all want to live, work and/or play in a haven?  Think for a moment about the images that come to mind as you say the word… H – A – V – E – N.  All too often the word is associated with the word safe… as in a “Safe Haven.”  As for myself, I believe those particular words are redundant.  But a Haven represents more than merely Safety.  Over the next few months, I will discuss the components of Self-Regulation Havens as proposed by Stuart Shanker and what they encompass as places that manifest the ability to thrive.

Much of my experience comes from the education sector, however all organizations; public or private sector, profit or not-for-profit, product or service provider…. ALL will have individuals operating within whom find themselves able to thrive within the context of a Self-Regulation Haven.

Let’s quickly review Shanker Self-Regulation© on a personal and individual level before moving on to examine Haven cultures (Self-Reg© organizational climates) and how to create them.

Dr. Stuart Shanker’s work in the areas of education, human behaviour, and neuroscience led to the framework we call Self-Reg©.  The process of self-regulating is little more than a response to stress/energy levels that finds itself rooted in our neuro-bio-physiological reactions.  We ALL self-regulate.  Over time, these self-regulatory reactions form patterns. The patterns may be maladaptive, or optimal and growth-promoting, or a little of both, depending on how well-aware you are of those energy & tension levels and proactively manage them.  Self-Reg© believes that it is never too late to learn how best to do this, and in-so-doing optimize your performance, and improve your relations with others by understanding that their interactions and performance is similarly energy/tension-related.

An organization that operates with a Self-Reg approach is one that we would characterize as being a Haven. Within these organization, actions/reactions are reframed and seen through softer eyes. Everyone’s well-being and health would be a central tenet to its operation. The question then is how we recognize when an organization is a Self-Reg Haven.

Organizations where members simultaneously feel each of the following are Self-Reg© Havens; 1) Safe, 2) Rooted, 3) Balanced, 4) Capable, & 5) Trusted.

Each of these will be discussed in greater detail in future articles.

The Science is in Self-Reg©.  The Art lies in how we use the science we know to create Havens.