When you consider that a coin can be looked at from both sides, or as the saying goes… there are two sides to ever equation, you hopefully begin to recognize the double-edge sword many families, as well as many educators, face this time of year.
Some will look forward to the end of the school year with its trials and tribulations, and look forward to being able to sit back, relax, perhaps sleep-in occasionally. There may well be others who lament the lack of structure that awaits, the loss of work-week daily child-supervision, and/or simply… the unknown.
Think of it as crossing a threshold.
The reality is, that it represents a change, and as we all know CHANGE means stress. BUT not ALL stress is bad. Indeed, it is the motivating factor for many to get done what needs to be done and to take that next step.
It is, first and foremost, important that we recognize the signs and/or symptoms we experience as a result of this stress. Our body often relays the first signals. These can be both short- and longer-term manifestations of that stress. Initially, there may be increased heart rate, rapid respiration, and muscle contraction.
Longer term repercussions might include sleep loss, fatigue, lethargy, restlessness, and irritability. These are more likely the result of extended periods of time worrying about, or wondering about the change and what it means, or to have to plan for summer holiday time.
If you can tune into what your body is telling you, then you are already taking one of the steps in the Shanker Self-Reg® process – that of Recognizing the Stressor. When you then recognize that your body is responding under stress circumstances, you can Reframe your situation as stressed. You can also Reduce your anxiety level by understanding your situation and acknowledging that it’s NOT permanent and begin to make plans to minimize the unknown. Reflecting on your stress responses so as to be better able to recognize these signs and symptoms earlier in the future. Finally, Restore your energy levels so that you then have a full-tank so to speak to take on whatever your daily activities include.
Managing your energy and tension levels, as well as how to recover as necessary are key to Self-Regulation the Stuart Shanker way.
Cognitive Dynamics can help by introducing you to Shanker Self-Reg®
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